Below are some common Fijian words for various relationships in a family (vuvale). Note that in the Fijian language when referring to a possession of an item to you ends in 'qu' and referring to possession by a third person ends in 'na'. These are abbreviations of the words with the possessive adjectives 'noqu' (mine) and nona (his or hers). These possessive adjectives will expand the use of these words for various relationships.
Study the following words and then we'll look at the possessive suffixes at the end.
Family Vuvale
Mother Tina
Father Tama
Uncle Momo
Aunt Nei
Grandfather Tukai
Grandmother Bubu
Sister Ganena or ganequ
Brother Tacina or taciqu
Cousin Tavale
So if you want to say 'my mother' in Fijian you say 'tinaqu' but if referring to someone else's mother then you say 'tinana'.
Exercise: Try these and comment below or on our Facebook page..
My father
My grandfather
His grandfather
My cousin
Her cousin
However some of the words above are exceptions like
My aunt is just simply 'noqu nei'
My uncle is simply 'noqu momo'
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