This is a discussion between mum and daughter.
Daughter: Mum I'm hungry.
Mum: What so you want eat my girl?
Gone yalewa: Na au sa via kana?
Na: Cava iko via kania noqu lewa?
Daughter: Can you make me a sandwich please?
Mum: Okay it won't be long.
Gone yalewa: Iko rawa ni cakava dua na kequ sandwich, kerekere?
Na: Io na sega ni dede?
Some words to learn
Via is want
Kana is eat
Kania is to eat
Dede is ain't time or a while
Sega is no
Kerekere is please in this context
Cakava is make in this context
Iko is you
Rawa is can
Kequ is possessive for food - means my food
Obviously sandwich has no Fijian word translation and its common in the Fijian language to use the English word oh there is no Fijian translation eg cheese, pie, ice cream etc.