Oya is the particle used in reference to a address third person or an object further away from two people in a discussion. Oya can also be used to refer to a distant past.
Again oya is usually abbreviated to ya in everyday Fijian.
na yanuyanu oya that island
na motoka oya that car
na gauna oya that time
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We are offering a one off personal online tutorial to help you develop your Fijian Language. Whether you're a newbie, beginner or inte...
The Fijian words for days of the week are listed against the English ones Monday Moniti Tuesday ...
Below are some common Fijian words for various relationships in a family (vuvale). Note that in the Fijian language when referring to a poss...
Sa vica na kaloko? - What is the time? Notice 'kaloko' is the translation for time when referring to the exact time. Gauna is ...