The grasshopper is called 'vodre' in Fijian.
The Fijian surname 'Samusamuvodre' is probably from an ancestor who was named such for repeatedly trying to hit a grasshopper.
Samuta (verb) - hit with a weapon or object
Samusamu (verb) - repeatedly hit
iSamu (noun) - a heavy wooden weapon or instrument used to hit something else. Example 'iSamu ni sulu' is a heavy wooden stick used to beat clothes to clean them.
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The Fijian words for days of the week are listed against the English ones Monday Moniti Tuesday ...
Below are some common Fijian words for various relationships in a family (vuvale). Note that in the Fijian language when referring to a poss...
Sa vica na kaloko? - What is the time? Notice 'kaloko' is the translation for time when referring to the exact time. Gauna is ...