Counting in Fijian is important but easy to learn.
Here are first twenty numbers. Please add the rest to 99
1. Dua 11 Tinikadua
2. Rua 12 Tinikarua
3. Tolu 13 Tinikatolu
4. Va 14 Tinikava
5. Lima 15 Tinikalima
6. Ono 16 Tinikaono
7. Vitu 17 Tinikavitu
8. Walu 18 Tinikawalu
9. Ciwa 19 Tinikaciwa
10 Tini 20 Ruasagavulu
Fijian for these numbers
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We are offering a one off personal online tutorial to help you develop your Fijian Language. Whether you're a newbie, beginner or inte...
The Fijian words for days of the week are listed against the English ones Monday Moniti Tuesday ...
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